CM approves RM1 mln to renovate KDCA building
KOTA KINABALU: Chief Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman has agreed to allocate RM1 million for the renovation and upgrade of Hongkod Koisaan KDCA.
“The practice of helping out each other has always been our culture. This was our culture back then, this is our culture today.
“No one race can elevate Sabah alone. To do so, every single race must work together.
“I have not forgotten Datuk John Anthony’s request…as soon as I have heard his speech, I whispered to Tan Sri Pairin that I will allocate RM1 million for the repair works of KDCA,” said Musa.
Musa also shared that he was thankful for all the support that had been poured by the various groups of society in ensuring the success of this year’s Kaamatan celebration.
Thus, Musa hoped that the Kaamatan festival would continue to serve as platform for unity and harmony in the state.
Musa spoke during the closing ceremony of the State-level Harvest Festival celebration at Hongkod Koisaan, KDCA, yesterday.
Earlier, State-level Harvest Festival 2017 Steering and Coordinating Committee chairman Datuk John Anthony said that the KDCA building was in need of renovation.
“As we have been graced by the presence of the Chief Minister today, I would like request for an allocation to be given to KDCA for the refurbishment of its building.
“The KDCA building has already been around for 40 years. It is in need of major repair works, from its electric supply, power set and many more,” he said.
John disclosed that the estimated allocation needed for the the entire renovation work is RM2 million.
He added that with the repair of Hongkod Koisaan, the KDCA would be able to perform better.
“Once the KDCA building has been revamped, it will not only be used for cultural events alone, but it may even be used for formal government functions.
“On top of that, the revamped version of the KDCA building may also be used as a platform for tourist attraction,” added John, who is also the KDCA secretary general.
“According to the Kadazan Dusun culture, the Kaamatan season is the perfect time for us to forgive each other, in hopes of preserving the culture of respect, togetherness and unity.
“…this is in line with this year’s Kaamatan Celebration theme: Kaamatan Impowon Pisompuruan (Kaamatan: Foundation of Unity,” said Pairin, who is also the State-level Harvest Festival 2017 Main Committee chairman.
Also present at the event yesterday were Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan, Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred Madius Tangau, Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Masidi Manjun, Energy, Green, Technology and Water Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Dr Maximus Ongkili and Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Yahya Hussin.
(Source from BorneoPost Online, June 1, 2017, Thursday)