The Organizational Structure of the KDCA is an operational representation of it’s constitution, chartering management by functions and objectives as strategies designed to help achieve more effectively and efficiently the stated vision and goals of the association. Duties and responsibilities are allocated according to functional divisions and the hierachical positions of office bearers of the KDCA. Thus the higher one is in the position within the organization, the more duties, responsibilities and accountability is expected of him or her.
The corporate culture is disciplined individual and collective collaborative efforts, positive cultural values, sound work ethics, strong bondage, determination and perseverance, and ever-readiness to give our level best for the growth and advancement of the KDCA and its members. Members’ inherent worth, dignity, potentials and self-determination to succeed are respected as foundation for human resource development.
The Social Work methods of Group Work, Community Organization and Development is adopted to transform challenges into objectives, develop and mobilize internal and external resources to achieve set objectives. Multi-disciplinary approach to harness the potentials of professional group work is also encouraged. The spirit of harmonious and cooperative group and community work (misompuru doid Koubasanan, mitatabang om miulung do sumurut), is cherished and preserved.
KDCA believes that peoples involvement and participation must be beneficial not so much in material form, but in purpose and meaning, and should contribute to an educative, and developmental experience to all participants of projects and programs.
For administration and coordination purposes, KDCA has divided Sabah into 4 administrative Zones, under which 24 Districts and 13 sub-districts are grouped and demarcated. Zones are headed by the President and the three Deputy Presidents and the districts are chaired by KDCA Central Committee Members.
The KDCA Central Committee Members comprise the following: