The supreme authority of the KDCA is vested in its Triennial Delegates Conference consisting of Branch Delegates, Un-attached Members Delegates, Group Members’ Delegates and Members of the Central Committee.
The Business of the Triennial Delegates Conference are:
1. To receive the Central Committee’s Report on the working of the KDCA for the past 3 years
2. To receive the Treasurer’s Report and the Audited Accounts of the KDCA for the Past 3 Years
3. To elect a Central Committee and to Appoint Auditors for the ensuing 3 years Term of Office
4. To deliberate on tabled resolutions and pass appropriate ones
Four Trustees, who are over 21 years of age, are appointed by the Central Committee and may hold office at the pleasure of the Central Committee. They may have vested in them all moveable and immovable properties whatsoever belonging to THE KOISAAN and shall deal with them in such manner as the Central Committee may direct. |
The Secretary-General and Treasurer-General shall not be appointed as trustees |
The Trustees shall not sell, withdraw or transfer any of the property of THE KOISAAN without the consent and authority of the Central Committee, whose decision shall be final unless over-ruled by a Delegates Conference |